The Power Of Commitment

“It was character that got us out of bed, commitment that moved us into action, and discipline that enabled us to follow through.” Zig Ziglar How committed are you? Your answer to this question means everything. Why? Because your level of commitment will dictate the effort you put into anything. When you fail to truly commit to something, you won’t …

What’s Holding You Back?

Ever ask yourself this question? What’s holding me back? Maybe you have mental objections for why you can’t do something. Or maybe you value the opinion of others who’ve riddled-off countless reasons why you’re bound to fail at some endeavor. It could also be your self-image. Maybe you don’t think you’re worthy of something deep down inside. Or, it could …

Stop Lying To Yourself

Everyone lies. Especially to themselves. It’s hard to admit this about yourself. But the truth is that YOU are lying to yourself. And you’re doing it all the time. It might not be intentional. You might be so caught up in your values and beliefs that you actually don’t think you’re lying to yourself. But that’s a huge misconception. I …

Tiny Changes. Big Results

“True life is lived when tiny changes occur.” Leo Tolstoy Do you have big goals? I’m sure you do. So let me ask you a question. What’s stopping you from achieving them? If you’re like most people, the answer lies somewhere between a lack of discipline and a state of sheer overwhelm. When a goal is new, it’s fresh. But …