5 Reasons Why You’re Broke

“I’ve never been poor, only broke. Being poor is a frame of mind. Being broke is only a temporary situation.” Mike Todd Yesterday, my friend called me. I answered quickly since I hadn’t heard from him in a while. We used to talk all the time, but recently he’s been distant. That’s why when I saw the phone ringing and …

3 Reasons Why You Feel Frustrated In Life

“Success is not built on success. It’s built on failure. It’s built on frustration. Sometimes it’s built on catastrophe.“ Summer Redstone Do you wake up in the morning with a spring in your step? Do you jump out of bed with absolute zeal for life? Or, are you just going through the motions, passing the time, hoping and praying that …

6 Reasons Why We Fail To Achieve Goals

Sometimes, we set big lofty goals for ourselves, right? At the outset, we’re motivated and inspired to push our way through the tough times and achieve those goals. But somewhere along the way, things go south. You go off track and start moving away from your target. Then, one day, you look back and realize that you’re no closer to …

How To Create More Self Discipline Fast

Everyone struggles with their level of discipline at some point in their lives. But we all know that discipline is vital to have, right? I mean, without discipline how can we achieve anything worthwhile? The truth is that discipline pushes us through the toughest times in life. But here’s the question. How do you create more self-discipline fast, without having …

8 Ways To Change Your Life Right Now

Want to change your life? You’re not alone. Countless millions of souls dream of better days. That could be more income, more independence, a bigger house, weight loss, meeting the love of their life, or any number of other things. Still, we all know that change is not easy by any measure. Often, we’re set in our ways, stuck in …