Sell Boca Raton House Fast

Sell Your Boca Raton Florida House Fast

So you have a house you need to sell. And you need to do it fast. Look, things happen. I get that. And whether your house is located in West Boca Raton, East Boca Raton, or surrounding areas, please listen up. Because the truth is that real estate in Boca Raton is in high demand. And if you have a …

Behind on Mortgage Payments

Behind On Mortgage Payments: Very Important Next Steps

“Rather go to bed without dinner than to rise in debt.” — Benjamin Franklin Okay. So you’re behind on your mortgage payments. What now? Well, before we get into, let’s look at the situation. For years, you were okay. You were managing your debt and getting by without a problem. After all, you had good credit and lots of room …

5 Ways To Save Your Home From Foreclosure

When you fall long enough behind on your home mortgage, the bank has the right to take possession of your home. In America, we call this foreclosure. It’s not a good situation. Not one bit. When I was a kid, our home was on the verge of foreclosure. My parents were fighting nonstop and going through a nasty divorce. Amidst …