Business Secrets Podcast Episode 35: Facebook Ads

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This is a transcript from the Business Secrets Podcast With Robert Kanaat. Click here to view and subscribe on iTunes

Hello and welcome to another episode of Business Secrets. My name is Robert Kanaat – founder of, the premier online destination for all things inspirational and transformational. 

I hope that you guys are having a great week, month, day etc wherever you are listening to this. I greatly appreciate you tuning in. Today I wanted to speak to you about something that could potentially really impact your business. It’s about Facebook ads, or any type of paid ads. But Facebook ads are so great, even after the scandal. They are literally the best way to target your audience.

One thing I wanted to share with you guys is really – the big thing I want to share with you guys is really a Facebook ad strategy. I know some of the biggest Facebook ad marketers literally out there. I know this one guy who’s running, who’s managing nine million dollars a month in ad spend. I know another guy who’s managing seven figures a month in ad spend. These individuals are just really inspiring. They’ve really kind of cracked the proverbial code, so to speak. 

Two really, really cool guys that I met. One was Nicholas Kusmich, I met at the Warroom Mastermind. That’s Roland Frasier’s Mastermind with Ryan Deiss and Perry Belcher. Warroom Mastermind, by the way is great. If you join a Mastermind, this is like one of those masterminds that you should definitely join.
Nicholas Kusmich gave me a really great overview of Facebook Ads. I interviewed him for an Entrepreneur Magazine article, and I think it was called like, “How to Make Money with Facebook Ads,” or something like that. So if you’re interested, like go look it up under R.L. Adams. 

Also recently, I was speaking to another guy. His name is Bryan Bowman. I met him at the Inner Circle For Life Mastermind, which is Russell Brunson’s mastermind. This guy like literally, he is one of the most giving, kind individuals. He just wants to give value. I’m seriously blown away as far as like meeting certain entrepreneurs who like really inspire me.  

Because for example at Russell Brunson’s Mastermind, I feel like I met the most giving people. The most giving kindhearted people. I was thinking about this. I think that it’s kind of like a trickle down effect, because Russell himself is so giving and kind. He attracts those same kinds of entrepreneurs. 

I was talking to Bryan, and one thing that Bryan was saying – he kept just sharing and sharing and sharing, and it just like really got my attention. I was thinking like, “Wow this guy like just really wants to give to other people. He just really wants to help people solve the problem, whatever that they’re having – and find a path forward.
Because literally at the end of the day, most things boil down to the ads you’re running. It’s about the marketing. If you don’t have marketing, then you don’t have sales. If you don’t have sales, you don’t have a business. The way to find customers is through marketing. A lot of people don’t understand marketing. They’re afraid of it. They cower and run and hide from it. They think that it costs a lot of money to market, and at the end of the day it really doesn’t. 

But Bryan, I knew that I could reach out to Bryan. Because Bryan was just like – Bryan was just like so giving. The cool thing was, he was available right away to talk to me. We had an in-depth conversation. I know that I told you guys earlier that I was helping a friend build a funnel, supplement funnel. This friend owns a really big sports nutrition, all natural, pharmaceutical grade sports nutrition company. The best, like the biggest one in the UK basically. 

I’m helping him with a supplement funnel. The crazy thing to me is like, they’ve grown such a big business and they’re doing almost no marketing. But that also shows you the power of having a great product. That’s definitely a slower way to grow your business. His story spans back two decades. But they’ve been written up in all sorts of magazines, stuff like that. But basically they’re not doing much paid marketing at all. 

This supplement funnel, I was talking to Bryan Bowman. I told him like, “Hey man, I’m going to structure some Facebook ads for this. What would your approach be? Because I know at the Inner Circle you said you do 256 variations of a Facebook ads.” That blew me away. 256 variations of an ad. I said, “Hey man, you are the expert in this area. Can you kind of give me a low down on how this works? Tell me exactly what you’re doing, how you’re doing this, how you’re structuring this. Because I want to structure some Facebook ads.” 

He said, “First of all, are you doing pixeling, are you pixeling the customers?” I said, “Yes.” Cool thing is – if you don’t know about this, Facebook has a pixel. This pixel, you can drop on a website. When you drop that pixel on a website, Facebook can track all the people, and you can create audiences around them. For example, everybody who visited your home page. Or everybody who visited a product page, or everybody who added a product to the shopping cart but didn’t buy it. Or everybody who bought it, if you want to exclude people who bought.

You can create audiences around this. The great thing is – this guy, this friend of mine has a big company. They get a lot of traffic to their site, and so we pixeled that site. We are able to generate a lot of audiences. This is the way that Bryan described to me, and this is what I’m going to be implementing. This might be interesting for you if you are involved in Facebook ads, to go out there and implement. This guy is one of the best, so this information is definitely – like treat it like gold. 

He tells me that he runs 16 different audiences, four images and four copy angles. But Facebook basically has this dynamic creative. Where it’ll take everything that you dropped into the different ad sets, and it will make the creative around it. 16 audiences, four images, four copy angles. You’re coming up with, basically there are 16 ad sets. So you’re coming up with different ad sets, but Facebook is putting together the creative through dynamic creative. 

It does dynamic creative through – after you save the ad as a draft, you can come back in and turn on dynamic creative. I didn’t know dynamic creative even existed. Even discovering this was like, that was like gold to me. This is the way that he puts it. He says, “You create eight different audiences based around things like they visited the website, they added a product to the cart, or they visited a product page – and then look alike’s for all of those. Then you do eight different audiences for interests.” 

Let’s say a specific person is interested in body building, or they’re interested in a certain page or whatever it might be. You also use an email list – for example, to create an audience. So there are 16 different audiences that you’re going to use. Eight of those are audiences from actual website visits and look alike’s, and eight of those are audiences from interests. 

For each of those, you have four images and four copy angles. By the copy angles – and obviously you want to exclude people who purchased. You can actually create a custom audience using the pixel if you are firing off the purchase event. If you don’t understand any of this, find somebody who does understand because this is very powerful. You exclude people who purchased by putting those people into an audience. 

For example, I did like everybody who– I created an audience for everybody who purchased in the last 30 days. By doing that, I can exclude them later on when I’m doing my targeting. When you create the images, you should try different types of images. We’re talking about lifestyle images, product images. Whatever it might be, whatever you’re trying to sell. Think about different image angles. But don’t try to get all polished and be like super, super professional.

But when it comes to ads though, another great thing is to do 30 to 60 second videos. Not just for the fact that you’re doing the video. Because for example, when you’re targeting interests on Facebook, somebody who is interested in say dogs might want – might have one day liked the dog page, but that doesn’t mean they have a recent interest. When you create a 30 to 60 second video, an education video I’m talking about. Like a thing someone would want to show their friends, because it adds value. 

For example, like “Three essential building blocks to muscle growth.” These kinds of things, you can target the people who watched 25 to 50% of the video as a re-targeting audience. Or like 75% as a look alike audience. These are crazy, advanced things that you could be doing. But it’s a matter of putting that video together. It’s education and a soft plug at the end, and that’s it. 

He gave me the example of a client in a dog niche. They have like three million video views. They just created a video on why they loved a certain dog breed. That was it, and why it was the best breed of all. There was a soft plug for the brand at the end. But it was just like an educational, sweet video. It went viral, it had three million views. Your video doesn’t have to go viral. The point is, you want to re-target the people that watched the most of it. 

This is definitely a unique approach, I’d say to Facebook ads. I found this really, really interesting. I found this information highly educational. I was like, “Man, I got to implement that. I’ve just got to figure out a way.” When it comes to the copy angles, he talks about doing short form and long form. The short form could be anything that’s short and truncated, but to the point. Really kind of well written, that entices people to dig further. 

One thing is, “The truth about.” He gave me an example. It’s like, “The truth about,” dot, dot, dot. “Here’s the truth about muscle growth. Here’s the truth about, real truth about success. He’s real truth about growing and scaling your business. Here’s the real truth about Facebook ads.” Blah, blah, blah – whatever. “The truth about,” is really good. It usually focuses on this one thing, this one thing that you learned that changed the game for you. “Normally you hear, X, Y and Z. But it has nothing to do with that. But when I found this one little piece – it’s just one little piece, the entire game changed for me.” That’s truth about it. 

The other one is like a man on a mission. Somebody who went on a mission who wanted to figure something out, and just felt like something was off. He went on this journey of discovery to find it. He figured it out and implemented it, and it changed everything. There are different copy angles that you can use. You just have to test, right? The cool thing is, Facebook allows you to do the dynamic creative. You can add all these into the ad set, and Facebook is just combining them as a dynamic creative. 

He recommends 16 different ad sets at $5 a day. You really test and see which one is performing the best. You do that for four days, before you start dialling in the one that you feel is going to be the winner. The ad set that’s going to be the winner. I just thought this was such awesome information. You could literally go out there and pay a consultant tens of thousands of dollars for this same information. But I’m basically relaying it back to you. This is a guy who is running millions of dollars in ad spend, and he’s just super cool. 

Hopefully you got a lot of value out of that. I’m all out of time. Don’t forget to like, share and subscribe on iTunes. Please comment, let me know what you think. Go to and go to the contact tab and send me an email. Give me your thoughts. I greatly appreciate those. Until next time, I will speak to you guys soon.